3G Router (Asus WL500g Deluxe + Huawei E180)
Just wanted to make myself an Internet Router using an USB modem
I succeded in doing so using an old Broadcom router (Asus WL500g Deluxe) and flashed it with 3rd. party firmware CDMA@wifi from Koppel – I Entered settings below, but kept my Huawei E180 protected by pin-code, so had to modify one of the chat scripts before success. Se howto below.
Telnet into router and then
1) Open /tmp/ppp/gprs/ (with vi or any or editor)
2) Fint the line containing ATI and after that add ” ‘AT+CPIN=****’
3) Save the file
4) Then add with vi editor to your ‘/tmp/local/.files’ the full path of
file ‘/tmp/ppp/gprs/’
5) the run flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot
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